Friday, October 21, 2011

Andy Warhol

Within what art genre did Warhol work?
Pop Art
Define the genre.
Art based on modern popular culture and the mass media.
During what years was he alive?
Post 2 samples of his art. Answer the following questions for each piece.

Title of the Piece?
Describe the color that he utilizes. Does he use any particular color scheme? 
In this piece of artwork, Warhol uses bright colors to catch the eyes of others. Different shades of blue, red, and yellow, the primary colors, are being used.
What do you notice about the artwork itself?
In this image, there are four pictures of the exact same thing, Marilyn Monroe. Each different picture uses contrasting colors.
Title of the Piece?
Describe the color that he utilizes. Does he use any particular color scheme? 
In this image, pink is used on top of a black background to make the knives stand out. 
What do you notice about the artwork itself?
The knives vary in size, shape, and direction to make this image interesting.

Color Schemes

01.jpg Triadic
02.jpg Analogous
03.jpg Monocromatic
04.jpg Complementary
05.gif Split-Complementary 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Review Week 9

Compare and contrast vector images and pixel images.
Vector-based images are defined by mathematical equations and are scalable to any size. Therefore, they print at an optimal quality at all times. Content is constructed from lines, shapes, and curves. Pixel images are images constructed of pixels, which is shortened name for picture element. They are both used in graphics to create designs.
What resolution is necessary to print raster images?
In order to accurately print a raster image, a resolution of 300 dots per inch is required.
What resolution is necessary to display raster images on the internet?
In order to accurately view raster images on the internet, a resolution of 72 dots per inch is required.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs

Who is Steve Jobs?
Steve Jobs was an American computer entrepreneur and innovator.
What company was he CEO for many years?
What did he do for the computer industry?
He created the MAC and several other small devices that are used for the same reasons as the MAC.
How did this man impact the graphic design industry?
Steve Jobs created a program on his devices that allowed every person to create art of any kind.

Review Week 8

Why must designers pay close attention to how color is utilized within a composition?
In order to convey the wanted message, designers must use the colors that can provide the correct feeling for the audience.
Why is the color wheel an important tool for graphic designers?
Since colors can affect the mood and feelings of a design, a mixture of colors is necessary to use while creating a design. The color wheel is an easy tool that can easily show a mixture of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors.
Find an example of neutral colors utilized within a design (hint: google poster design). Near the sample, discuss why you feel the designer included neutral colors within the composition.
The designer included neutral colors within this composition to focus the attention on the colors used in the design.

Briefly describe how we "see" the color of an object.
Objects appear to be in color when they absorb or reflect color in the visible light spectrum. The reflected light is the color we see.