
Documentary Photographer:
- Documentary photography is a popular form of photography used to capture significant and historical events, as opposed to the beauty of nature or fantasy.
- Necessary skills required:
     - Friendly/outgoing: you will be visiting or staying in an unfamiliar location, so you have to know how to interact with natives
     - Responsible: to make sure you are in the right place at the right time, or even earlier
     - Patient: you can't rush a shoot and have outstanding pictures
     - Prepared: if you don't have all of your supplies, you would not have a successful shoot
- Educational requirements:
     - Bachelor's Degree
     - First Professional Degree
- Growth opportunities for employment: 
     - Newspapers and Magazines
- Public/private settings:
- Starting salary: $39,000
- Maximum pay: Varies on company, location, industry, experience, and benefits
- Possible jobs in high school/college:
     - Photographer's assistant
     - Graphics class
     - Photography class

Production Artist:
- A production artist is the last person to see a design before it is published. They must have lots of knowledge in Adobe InDesign and Adobe Acrobat. They must also have sharp eyes to find and correct mistakes.
- Education:
     - Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design
     - high school classes
     - previous experience in advertising, etc. 
- Salary: $60 - $250 an hour

Art Director:
- Art directors supervise and critique the visual appearance so that it meets the clients needs.
- Skills: good with people and not offend them when you correct them
- Education:
     - Computer program classes
     - Degree in field of Graphic Design or Advertisement
- Salary: $35,000 - $83,000

Creative Director:
- Oversees designs of the projects, make sure that the needs of the client are being met, assign staff various projects within a project, keep staff on track in terms of deadlines, come up with new ideas, have advertising opportunities
- Educations:
     - A degree in fine arts or visual arts
     - Management experience
- Salary: $52,500 - $115,500 but average is $97,000

- Creates images technical and nontechnical from printed materials, everything books to greeting cards or advertisements
- Skills: creative, talented, self-employed, good techniques, good communication skills
- Education:
     - Bachelors degree in the arts
     - Internships
- Salary: $40,000 - $74,000

Web Design:
- Web designer creates world wide web pages for a client. He or she is responsible for giving a look and/or feel for the website.
- Education:
     - 2 year or 4 year college degree in something related
- Skills: 
     - strong verbal and visual communication skills
     - knowledge of the most current html extensions
     - knowledge of FTP and other programs that have a variety of functions
- Salary: $51,000 - $74,000

Package Designer:
- Create and design packing for different products
- Educational Requirements:
     - Bachelor's Degree in communication design
     - general knowledge of how stuff is packaged
- Salary: $40,000 - $80,000

Comic Book Artist:
- Comic book artists create comic books for the pleasure of people who read them
- Educational Requirements:
     - Degree in fine arts or drawing
- Skills: 
     - active learning and listening
     - keeping up with current trends
- Salary: $53,000 - $75,000

Graphic Designer:
- A graphic designer communicates visually and create stuff for other companies
- Educational Requirements:
     - Bachelor's Degree in graphic design
- Skills: 
     - be familiar with adobe programs
- Salary: $35,000 - $65,000

Publication Design:
- A publication designer create designs, concepts, and sample layouts. They develop graphics and layouts for companies.
- Skills: strong graphic design and page layout skills
- Education:
     - Bachelor's Degree in Graphics
- Salary: $48,000

Storyboard Artist:
- Translate screen plays or sequences into a series of illustrations
- Skills:
     - good drawing skills
     - ability to think cinematically
- Education:
     - degree in fine arts
- Salary: $30,000

 AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts)
It's about showing designer's work and inspiring people through graphic design. They support graphic designers. A good organization to be involved in as a graphic designer.

SPD (The Society of Publication Designers)
An organization that promotes and encourages success in editorial design. Giving education, internships, and events to its members to partake in helps them grow and learn. Also giving them chances to show off their work.

Portrait Photographer
- Description: They take photographs with creativity and capture their facial expressions. The picture is mostly of the body and face and less of the background.
- Skills:
     - creative
     - know equipment
     - be able to develop pictures into a photograph
- Educational Requirements:
     - Bachelor of arts and photography and a portfolio
- Salary: $20,000 - $46,000

Computer Animator
- Description: They work with computers to make their ideas come to life. Often, the animator draws something and puts it into the machine, but a character can be designed using the computer.
- Skills:
     - artistic ability
     - creativity
     - familiarization with computer animation programs
- Educational Requirements:
     - knowledge of animation programs
     - artistic experience in previous school
- Salary: $61,000

PIAG (Printing and Imaging Association of Georgia)
An organization that exists to educate the public about the importance of print, to act as a catalyst for growth of the printing and imaging industry, and to strengthen and support its members through valuable educational and business resources.

Advertising Photography
- Description: An advertising photographer is someone who take pictures of various subjects, products, and other images for promotional materials. Their work can possible end up on a billboard, packaging or television/magazine commercials. 
- Educational Requirements:
     - Bachelor's Degree in Photography or Fine Arts
     - don't need any specific degree from college, but they do need a portfolio to show employers
- Skills:
     - know how to process film
     - Adobe programs, especially photoshop
     - experience in other areas of photography
- Salary: $35,980 - $150,000

Editorial Photography 
- Description: They take pictures for magazines that aren't ads. The images taken by this photographer usually are used to accompany an article or to go on the cover of a magazine.
- Educational Requirements:
     - Bachelor's Degree in Photography or Fine Arts
- Skills:
     - how to use a camera
     - how to use Adobe programs, such as photoshop and illustrator
- Salary: $17,000 - $61,000

Fashion Photography 
- Description: A genre of photography devoted to display clothing and other fashion items
- Educational Requirements:
     - Associate's Degree
     - Bachelor's Degree for Professional Photography
- Skills:
     - knowledge of technical elements of photography
     - translate artistic vision into photographs
     - know designers, fashion, etc.
     - good communication skills
- Salary: $20,000 - $100,000+

Photo Journalist 
- Description: They take pictures that tell stories. They also take pictures that complement newsworthy articles. 
- Educational Requirements:
     - College Degree in Photography
- Skills:
     - familiar with photography
     - skilled with technology and softwares, such as photoshop, illustrator, etc.
     - know how to take good photos
- Salary: $25,000 - $60,000

Sports Photography 
- Description: Sports photographers do various jobs involving sports and sporting events.
- Educational Requirements:
     - Bachelor's Degree in Arts and Photography
     - good portfolio
- Skills:
     - knowledge of cameras
     - knowledge of lighting
     - composition skills
- Salary: $24,000 - $45,000

PPA (Professional Photographers of America)
Represents the national photographic association and is the largest nonprofit association for photographers. There are many business workshops, classes, competitions, and jobs available. There are over 22,000 members in over 54 countries. To join, you can be any type of photographer.

APA (American Photographic Artists)
It's an industry trade organization dedicated to the success of professional photographers and image makers. To achieve this mission, the goals are to establish, endorse, and promote professional practices, standards, and ethics in photographic advertising community. The aim is to campaign and speak as one common voice for advertising photographers and image makers to the advertising industry.

NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Users)
It's an organization that has a website that you have to sign up for. They have enhancing light sources, texting and masking, prepping your photos for online printing. They are basically all about photoshop.
- Education:
     - Bachelor's Degree
     - major in digital photography
     - know all about photoshop

NPPA (National Press Photographers Association)
It's an organization that represents and protects photo journalists in the field.

- Description: The people that write the text for posters, brochures, etc.
- Educational Requirements:
     - Bachelor's Degree in Journalism or English
- Skills:
     - good at text, grammar, english
     - clever, creative
- Salary: Freelance (by yourself) or work for a company. $75 - $125 an hour

- Description: When you work for yourself versus for a company
- Educational Requirements:
     - Degree in Graphic Design
- Skills:
     - get clients on own, maintain banking
     - be familiar with Adobe programs
- Salary: $50 - $70 an hour

GAG (Graphic Art Guide)
The mission of the graphic artist guide is to promote and protect the social, economical and professional interest of its members. They GAG is committed to improve conditions for all graphic artist and raising standards for the entire industry. The guide helps with illustrators, fine artists, and graphic designers.