
Target Audience: a group of people that a product is directed toward
Message: something that can be used for communication
Work Ethic: a person's actions and desire to achieve a goal
Employability Skills: talents needed in order to become an employee
20/20 Rule: for every 20 minutes spent working on computer, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds
Right-To-Know-Laws: rules stating the privileges of public eyes to see certain information
Icon: a representative symbol of a simple, well-known message
Vector-based Graphics: abstract images created with geometrical shapes
Specifications of a Project: characteristics of a finished project that should be met
Dialog Box (within an application): an area on a project that is filled with words, telling the viewer what to do
Palette (within an applications): the tab holding all of the colors
Guidelines: a rule that is meant to follow while doing an activity
Extensions: a piece that is added to something
Contextual Menu: the options that appear after right clicking or holding the "control" key and clicking
Clipping Mask: a way to crop a shape or picture from a document without deleting the remaining piece of the design
Hue: the color itself
Primary Colors: the three main colors (red, yellow, and blue)
Secondary Colors: created when two primary colors are mixed together (orange, green, and violet)
Tertiary Colors: created when one primary and one secondary color are mixed together (red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet)
Neutral Colors: colors of low intensity
Continuous Tone Image: an image where all of the colors existing can be shown
Resolution: the amount of pixels within an image
File Size: the amount of information stored in the file
Typography: the art of expressing ideas throughout the selection of appropriate typefaces
Typeface: a distinctive design of visual symbols that are used to compose a printed image or design
Serif: a smaller line used to finish off a main stroke of a letter
Body Type: any font smaller than 12 pt.
Display Type: type sizes above 12 pt.
Reverse Type: when there is a white font on a black background
Point Size: the vertical measurement from the top of the ascender to the bottom of the descender used to identify the size of a typeface
Ligatures: an item used to bind something together
Ampersand: the character for the word "and"
Small Caps: capitalized letters that are the same height and weight of lowercase letters
Lowercase: small letters
Uppercase: big letters
Flush Left: text is aligned to the left
Flush Right: text is aligned to the right
Centered: text is centered on each line (very formal)
Justified: text is aligned to the left and right
Lining: numbers that have a uniform height
Non-lining: numbers that do not have a uniform height (my have some ascenders and descenders)
Leading: the space in between lines of type
Margin: the white space around the edges of the document (in indesign, the margins tell us where to put the important stuff)
Kerning: adjusting the space in between individual characters
Tracking: adjusting the spacing between characters of an entire body of text
Concept: an idea; something formed in one's mind
Final Product: the end result; how we ultimately communicate to our audience
Thumbnail: a quick sketch to get thoughts out of your mind and onto paper
Initial Cap: larger, decorative capital letters at the beginning of text or paragraph