Essential Questions

1. Why is it important to identify safety issues and to safely operate equipment utilized in the classroom? 
In order to prevent problems both physically and mentally later on, it is important to be careful and safe.
2. How do interpersonal and employable skills effect both your everyday life and future? 

Both types of skills can influence the decisions of several people. If those skills are learned early on, they become a habit so when we do have to get a job, employers will not hesitate to hire.
3. What is graphic design and why is it important to communicate visually? 

Graphic design is art created technologically that is used to appeal all types of audiences. Communicating visually is important because it is easy for most people so the message will be conveyed quickly and clearly.
4. What are the elements of design and how are they incorporated into design?
Line, shape or form, space, texture, value, and color are the six elements of design. Because each of the elements convey different emotions and have different meanings, they are incorporated into design.
5. What is a vector-based design and how is it created?
A vector-based graphic is defined by mathematical equations. Vectors are scalable to any size. Therefore, they print at an optimal quality at all times. Content is constructed from lines, shapes, and curves.
6. How is color used effectively in a graphic design?
Color can affect the mood and tone of a design. For example, bright colors make a bold statement, whereas cool colors calm the mood. Balancing the number of colors and the shades of each color can have a huge impact on the effect of the design. For example, if a design is about citrus items, if green and blue were chosen, the audience would be confused. Yellow and orange would be the colors used to convey a citric mood.
7. What is a raster-based image and how is it created?
A pixel-based image, or a raster-based image, is constructed of pixels. A pixel is a shortened name for picture element, also known as bitmap images and raster images.
8. How does the manipulation of size and resolution effect digital images?
An image can be stretched in photoshop without being altered. The greater the resolution, the more pixel there are, so the clearer the image.
9. What are the principles of design and how can they be used within a design?
Repetition, proportion/scale, balance, emphasis, unity/variety, and rhythm. They can be used to convey messages.
10. What is the function of type within a design?
Communicating specific words to an audience, as well as using it as an element of design.
11. How do designers use a page layout program?
They use InDesign to bring together pictures, text, designs, etc.
12. What steps does a designer take to design a page layout from concept to final product?
By using the creative process. First, research, then brainstorm, then sketch, then execute, then critique and revise.
13. What are the key developments in the history of visual communication? How did these developments shape our industry?
Technology is an essential key to the development of visual communication. Without technology, there would be very little graphic design, so we can't create cool designs without it.
14. What careers are available within the field of graphic design? What professional organizations are associated with the industry? 
Some careers include production artist, art director, creative director, illustrator, web designer, package designer, comic book artist, graphic designer, publication designer, storyboard artist, computer animator, documentary photographer, portrait photographer, advertising photographer, editorial photographer, fashion photographer, photo journalist, sports photographer, copywriter, and freelance. Some organizations include AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts), SPD (The Society of Publication Designers), PIAG (Printing and Imaging Association of Georgia), PPA (Professional Photographers of America), APA (American Photographic Artists), NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Users), NPPA (National Press Photographers Association), and GAG (Graphic Art Guide).
15. What is a logotype and how is it created?
A logotype is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. It evolved from printing and graphic languages, such as hieroglyphics. It is created to convey the owner's intended message.