Friday, December 9, 2011

Semester Reflection

          Coming into this class, I honestly didn't know what to expect. I thought it would be a pretty easy class that would be fun to take. After the first few days, I knew that this would be a challenge. Fortunately, I have learned SO many things that I had never thought about. I have a MAC at home so maneuvering around from program to program was not a difficult task, but using some of the unfamiliar programs were complicated. For example, Photoshop and Illustrator were completely new to me. Thankfully, I learned how helpful and amazing they can be! Just by simply using one tool, an amazing piece of artwork can be created! The assignments were also very cool. My favorite assignment was the "If I crossed the road..." project because we got to use our own imagination to create our own picture of whatever we wanted it to be! Learning about all the different types of artwork, elements, designs, techniques, tools, etc is pretty difficult, but extremely interesting!
          Next semester, I hope we could continue working in the programs and learning more! My only suggestion would to be to create a logo or advertisement or something like that. According to many of your references to the real world and what we would be doing if we were a graphic designer, I would love to see what it would feel like. Overall, this has been an extremely exciting class! I LOVE IT!

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