Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Assignment 14: Research & Inspiration

Documentary Photography: A popular form of photography used to capture significant and historical events, as opposed to the beauty of nature or fantasy (Wikipedia).
Educational requirements: Bachelor's Degree and/or First Professional Degree

black and white pictures, solid color background, bold black/white letters

-What kind of message am I trying to communicate? Look into documentary photography
-Who is my audience? My class
-What am I trying to tell the audience? To get interested in documentary photography
-What kind of visuals will work for this audience? Black and white pictures, color, big pictures/font
-Job title on top of document
-Solid color background
-Job description in bottom right corner
-Picture of someone taking a picture with camera sticking out in middle
-Smaller pictures around

Inspiration Pieces:

Most documentary posters
are black and white to help
tell the story, so I like that
color is used and I can still
see the story through the
eyes of the man in the
picture. Also, putting the
white title on a red
background helped draw
my attention to the main
point of this poster.
The picture takes
up almost the whole
poster, so it is the
optical center. The
picture on the poster
gets my attention
before I even notice
the words.
I like the simple text
and that the picture
is the main portion
of the poster. The
black and white
effect helps make
the picture appear
more interesting and

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