Thursday, March 15, 2012

Assignment 16: Research & Inspiration

Infographics are graphic visual representation of information, data, or knowledge. They present complex information quickly and clearly. They also illustrate information that would be unwieldy in text form, and act as a visual shorthand. Some examples include: weather forecasts, maps, charts, diagrams, maps, tables, lists, and timelines. History information of computers and writing is on different posts on the blog.

eye catching
attention grabbing

-What kind of message am I trying to communicate? I'm informing them about the history of visual communications.
-Who is my audience? All people, all ages
-What am I trying to tell the audience? The history of visual communications.

-What kind of visuals will work for this audience? Colorful, neat
I am going to make the background a red movie curtain and film winding across the page. I will put each important date in each block of the movie film.

Inspiration Pieces:

I like the use of color and how it makes up a picture.

I like how the page is setup like statistics
and information for a baseball team and
then the history comes along with it.

I like how it is neat and messy at the same time. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Early Computers | 1930s - 1980s AD

What is an abacus?
Some consider the abacus to be the first computer because it was able to perform simple math calculations.
In 1936,  Zuse invented this type of computer?
Konrad Zuse invented the first freely programmable computer.
Post a photo of the 1944 Mark Computer.

In 1944, Aiken and Hopper designed the Mark Series of computers to be used for what?
Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper designed the mark series of computers at Harvard University. They were used by the US Navy for gunnery and ballistic calculations.
Post a photo of the UNIVAC Computer.

In 1951, Eckert and Mauchly designed the first commercial computer for whom? 
John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly designed the first commerical computer, UNIVAC, for the Census Bureau.
What does UNIVAC stand for?
Universal Automatic Computer
In 1953, IBM enters the scene. What does IBM stand for?
International Business Machines
What is FORTRAN?
John Backus and IBM created the first successful high level programming language, called FORTRAN (the IMB mathematical formula translating system)
Post a photo of the first mouse.

In 1964, how did Engelbart change the way computers worked?
Douglas Engelbart changed the way computers worked by making them a more user-friendly tool.
What is the significance of ARPnet?
It was the first internet that was developed to protect the flow of information between military installations by creating a network of geographically separated computers. ARPnet stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.
In 1971, Intel introduced this? Post a photo of it.

Single chip microprocessor.

In the same year, IBM introduced this? Post a photo of one.

IBM introduced the first "memory disk" commonly called the "floppy disk" because of its flexibility.

In 1973, Metcalf and Xerox created this?
Robert Metcalf and Xerox create the first ethernet computer network.
During the next several years, the first consumer computers were marketed. Post photos of the Altair, Apple I, Apple II, TRS-80, Commodore PET. Label each.

Apple I

Apple II


Commodore PET

In 1981, Bill Gates and Microsoft introduced this package?
Bill Gates and Microsoft introduced the MS-DOS computer operating system which was packages with the IBM PC (personal computer).
Post a photo of the Lisa computer.

In 1983, who introduced the Lisa computer?
Apple introduced the Lisa computer.
What is GUI?
Graphical User Interface
Post a photo of the computer mentioned below.

In 1984, a more affordable home computer was introduced. Name the computer and the company that marketed it?
Apple Macintosh Computer was marketed by Apple.
The commercial only ran one time. When?
Apple ran it's 1984 commercial during the Super Bowl on January 22,1984, which cost $1.5 million to produce.
In response to the Apple GUI, Gates and Microsoft introduced this?
The windows operating system
Two men are known for their development of the Apple I computer. Who are they?
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
When was the internet that we know, world wide web, developed and introduced?
Over the years, Apple has included "easter eggs" within their software. What is an "easter egg"? 
Easter eggs are small programs that are hidden inside of other programs.
Search for easter eggs in Photoshop and Illustrator. List a few in this post ... and try to find them in the applications.
Type tool in the tool box, the palettes button in the options bar.
Where do you think computers will take us in the next 10 years?

I think that there will be no more stationary computers except for ones used in the military or government. Everyone will have devices such as iPads, iPhones, or laptops.

Assignment 15: Research & Inspiration

Illuminated refers to the borders, illustrations, and ornamentation added to each page of text. Ornamentation included initials of chapters or paragraphs, paintings in margins, borders, and around text. Monastic monks began creating books by hand, taking the creation of books to an art form. Back in the old days, natural quill pens were used for the highly intricate and detailed work of the illuminated manuscripts.

ancient looking
basic colors
very ornamental and detailed
eye grabbing

-Who is my audience? All ages
-What am I trying to tell the audience? I'm trying to pull them into the page enough to read the text.
-What kind of visuals will work for this audience? Basic colors, very detailed artwork

    - - "Collide" - Howie Day
     - "I Won't Give Up" - Jason Mraz
     - "Neon" - John Mayer
    - - "Drops of Jupiter" - Train
     - "Follow Me" - Uncle Kracker

Inspiration Pieces:
I like how simple the
layout is

I like the picture inside of
the manuscript

I like the simple colors

Photography | 1839 - 1960s AD

Until the 1880s, how were news stories illustrated?
Printing presses could only publish from engravings or woodcuts.
What is a camera obscura?
It was known to scholars and philosophers as a way to observe light. It's an optical device that projects an image of its surroundings onto a screen.
Post an example of a camera obscura.

How did scholars and artists utilize the camera obscura?
Artists used the camera obscura to trace outside scenes and paint or draw them.
From where did the photographic camera develop?
From the portable box came the development of the photographic camera and the ability to accept a sheet of light sensitive material to capture the image or scene.
Who first used the term "photography"? Where was is derived from?
Sir John Hershel used the word "photography," which is derived from the Greek words for light and writing.
Post an example of the first photograph.  

Who is credited with making the first successful photograph?
Joseph Niepce was credited with making the first successful photograph. He positioned a camera obscura looking out from the window of his country house.
Post an example of a Daguerreotype image. 

Who invented the Daguerreotype process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?
Louis Daguerre invented the first practical photographic process in 1839. 

Advantages: The exposure time was reduced to half an hour, the image coul dbe made permanent by immersing it in salt.
Disadvantage: The image could not be duplicated.

Post an example of a Calotype image. 

Who invented the Calotype process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?
William Fox Talbot invented the Calotype process in 1835.
Advantage: An unlimited amount of duplicates could be made.

Disadvantage: It's quality was inferior to the striking images produced by the Daguerreotype process.
Post an example of a Wet Collodion Process image. 

Who invented the Wet Collodion process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?
Frederick Scott Archer was credited with developing a process called the Wet Collodion Process, or Wet Plate Process in 1851.
Advantages: Reduced the exposure time to two or three seconds and the cost was significantly less than the previous processes. They produce a much sharper image.

Disadvantages: Because the glass plates coated with collodion (a colorless syrupy solution of nitrocellulose in ether) had to be exposed and developed immediately while the plates were still wet, the darkrooms and any other equipment had to be portable.
Post an example of a Dry Plate Process image. 

Who invented the Dry Plate process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?
Richard Maddox made the first successful dry plate negative in 1871.
Advantages: Gelatin was used instead of glass for the photographic plate.

Disadvantages: Photography was still to complicated for the general public.
Who is George Eastman? What company did he establish? 
He is remembered for making photography accessible to all public. In 1884, he invented roll film, a photographic medium that replaced fragile glass plates with a photo-emulsion coated on paper rolls. He established Eastman Kodak Commpany.
Post an example of The Kodak Camera from 1888. 

In 1888, he produced a camera that use his flexible roll film. How did he make this camera/photography accessible to the public?
The camera owner could send in the camera with minimal processing fee. The company would process the film, reload the camera and return it to the owner.
What is Edwin Land best known for? What company did he establish?
He is best known for patenting polarized light filters in 1934 and his invention of instant photography in 1948. He established the Polaroid Corporation.
Post a photo of the first Polaroid camera.

How long did the first Polaroid camera take to produce a photo?
The first Polaroid camera produced a black and white print in 60 seconds.
What was Eadweard Muybridge known for?
He paved the way for motion picture photography.
Post a photo of the Zoopraxiscope.

What is the Zoopraxiscope?
A device used to project a series of images in successive phases of motion.
Post a photo of Muybridge's horse in motion.

How did Muybridge settle the debate and photograph a horse in motion?
He used a series of large cameras in s line, each being triggered by a thread as a horse passed by.
In 1880s, the development of the motion picture camera allowed this?
By the 1880s, the development of the motion picture camera allowed individual images to be captured and stored on a single film reel.
Post a photo of a motion picture projector.

What is a motion picture projector?
A devise that is used to shine a light through the film and magnify the "moving picture" onto a screen for an audience.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Linotype Machine | 1886 AD

Who is credited with the invention of the typewriter? 
Christopher Sholes
What is a "stenographer"?
A person employed chiefly to take and transcribe dictation.
Post an example of Shole's typewriter.

Why did Sholes send a prototype of his typewriter to Clephane?
He realized that stenographers would be among the first and most important users of his new machine.
After the typewriter began production, why did Clephane pursue another machine?
He thought that the typewriter still took long to typeset and copy the words, so he pursued the invention of a machine for typesetting, one that would bridge the gap between the typewriter and the printed page.
Who spent a year redesigning Clephane's typesetting machine?
Ottmar Mergenthaler
What is meant by "typesetting"?
The process of setting material in type or into a form to be used in printing.
Post an example of Linotype Machine.

How does the Linotype Machine differ from the typewriter?
It allowed type to be set mechanically rather than by hand. It produced a solid line of type by casting hot lead into a series of molds that correspond to individual letters. The name comes from the fact that it produces an entire line of metal type at once.
How did this machine change the newspaper industry?
It made it possible for a small number of operators to set type for more pages on a daily basis.
Post an example of a Linotype keyboard.

How did the keyboard of the Linotype Machine differ from keyboards that we use today?
The operator entered text on a 90-character keyboard. There was no shift key. Therefor, uppercase letters had separate keys from lowercase letters. The arrangement of keys was based on letter frequency. The keyboard had the same alphabet arrangement twice. On the left, the black keys were the lowercase letters. On the right, the white keys were the uppercase letters. The blue keys in the middle were for punctuation, digits, small capital letters and fixed width spaces.
Post an example of a Linotype slug.

What is a slug?
The machine assembled matrices, or molds for the letter forms. The assembled line of type is then cast as a single piece, called a slug. This process allowed for faster typesetting and composition than by hand.
Post an example of a person operating a Linotype Machine.

Why is the Linotype Machine the greatest advanced in printing since movable type?
It spread around the world quickly and was a very convenient and helpful machine.

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Gutenberg Press | 1450 AD

What is Johannes Gutenberg credited with?
He is credited with inventing the technology of printing with moveable type.
Post a photo of the Gutenberg Press.

How did the printing press work? 
Ink was rolled over the raised surface of moveable hand-set block letters held within a wooden form. The form was pressed against a sheet of paper. Press was developed from the technology of the screw-type for pressing grapes and olive seeds.
What motivated Gutenberg to find a better way of creating books?
He spent time with his father at the mint, watching goldsmiths and jewelers, which motivated him to find a better way of creating books. His love of reading also motivated him.
Why did Gutenberg experiment with metal type versus wood type?
Metal type (or movable type) could be reproduced more quickly once a single mold could be made
Post an example of movable type in a type case.

What is movable type?
Movable type is the system of printing that uses movable components to reproduce the elements of a document (usually individual letters and punctuation).
What is a matrix?
The matrix can be reused so the same character appearing anywhere within the book will appear very uniform.
What ink did Gutenberg develop that he used specifically for the printing press?
he is also credited with the introduction of oil-based ink, which is more durable than water-based ink. It is an oily, varnish-like ink made of soot, turpentine, and walnut oil.
What is paper made from? Where did paper originate?
Paper is a substrate made from wood pulp. It was created by Tsai Lun in 105 AD.
What is a "substrate"?
A substance or layer that underlies something, or on which some process occurs.
Who did Gutenberg seek to help with the invention of the press? Close to the end of the 5 years, what happened? 
To continue the experiment after he spent all of his inheritance on supplies for his printing press invention, he sought out John Fust, a wealthy businessman, to invest. The agreement stated that if Gutenberg could not repay the loan, with interest, after 5 years, Fust would get the press, tools, and materials. Close the end of the 5 years, Fust sued Gutenberg.
What was the first book he printed?
The Bible

Post an example of this book.

How did the Gutenberg Press impact communication?
It perfected script and made it easier to read; books were made more rapidly; current information could be shared locally and around the world; the cost of books decreased allowing more people to buy them; the demand grew and the population became more literate; people wanted books written in their own language and a greater variety of books; book trade began to flourish, as well as industries, such as paper-making; economies became stronger; art and science began to flourish, which led to the beginning of the Renaissance.
Who introduced the printing press to England?
In 1476, William Caxton produced the first book in English and introduced the printing press to England.
What was the early form of newspapers?
By 1525, trade newsletters began to develop as an early form of newspapers.
When was the first news weekly published? What was it called?
In 1704, the first American news weekly, The Boston Letter, begins publication by John Campbell in Boston, Massachusetts.
What kind of press was built in the US in the mid 1800s?
The steam powered rotary press was invented in 1843 in the US.
Post an example of a 1930s printing press.

By the late 1930s, presses had increased in efficiency and were capable of 2,500 to 3,500 impressions per hour. What is meant by "impression"?
The number of books that were being made.

Which printing process is the Gutenberg press an example of? Briefly describe the process?
Relief printing - it is the oldest method of printing. It occurs when movable type is placed into the press. Ink is spread onto the type. Paper is placed on top. The press applied the direct pressure needed to transfer the ink to the paper.
Post an example of an intaglio press.

What is intaglio printing (or printmaker) and how is ink transferred? 
The image area is etched into the plate surface to hold the ink. Ink is applied, then rubbed with a cloth to remove the excess. Damp paper is placed on top. A press applies pressure to transfer the ink to the paper. It was used for high quality magazines, fabrics and wallpapers. Common uses today include postage stamps and paper currency.
Post an example of a screen (porous) printing press.

What is porous printing and how is ink transferred?
It is a basic stencil process. The image carrier is attached to a screen. Ink is forced through open mesh areas. Screen printing is an example of this process. Accounts for a comparatively small volume of printing industry. Heavy lay down of ink so strong colors can be obtained making it suitable for posters, signs, and shirts.
Post an example of a lithography printing press.

What is lithography (or planographic) and how is ink transferred?
It is printing from a flat surface. It is based on the concept that oil and water do not readily mix. Drawing, or artwork, is made on the plate with greasy ink or crayon. Water is applied. When ink is spread on top, the greasy parts accept the ink; the wet parts do not. Most commerical
Post an example of a offset lithography printing press.

What variation of lithography is used by the commercial printing industry today?
Offset lithography
How do printing presses used today compare to the Gutenberg Press?
They are all similar because they are all based off of the Gutenberg Press. However, they are faster and more high tech nowadays.
Describe four-color process printing using CMYK?

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) is a subtractive color model, used in color printing, and is also used to describe the printing process itself.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Codex and the Illuminated Manuscript | 1st century AD

Post an example of a scroll.

What were the drawbacks of the scroll?
They only allowed for sequential usage. Readers must read the text in the order it was written.
Post an example of a codex.
What is a codex?
It is a covered and bound collection of hand written pages.
"Codex" is derived from the Latin meaning "block of wood". Why?
Because of it's compactness, sturdiness, and ease of reference.
What is the difference between "sequential access" and "random access"?
Random access is when one can go to any point in the book to find information, it can be opened flat to any page, and it is more portable. Sequential access is when one must go through the entire scroll to find a certain passage.
What were the advantages of using the codex?
Random access as opposed to sequential access. It was also easier to organize in libraries because the title could be written on the spine.
What helped spread the use of the codex?
It is believed that the spread of the codex is associated with the rise of Christianity, which adopted the format for the early Bible.
What replaced papyrus? Describe the process used to create it?
Parchment, which is a substrate made from animal skin such as sheep, goats, and cows. Hair and fat were removed and skin was smoothed out. The hide was then soaked in water. Then, calcium, flour, and salt were added. Last, the skin was stretched out, flattened, and dried.
What is vellum?
Finer qualities of parchment that were made from skins of young calves.
Name several examples of current technology that utilizes the format of the codex?
Kindle and Ipad
What led to a period of cultural and economical deterioration?
The decline of the Roman Empire resulted in fewer books being created.
Post an example of an illuminated manuscript.
Who began creating books by hand, taking the creation to an art form?
Monastic monks
What does "illumination" refer to? What was included in this ornamentation?
Illumination refers to the borders, illustrations, and ornamentation added to each page of text. Ornamentations included initials of chapters or paragraphs, paintings in margins, borders, and around text.
What tool was used for creating the illuminated manuscripts?
Natural quill pens were used for the highly intricate and detailed work of the illuminated manuscripts.
Why were these manuscripts reserved for religious purposes?
Because the work was laborious illuminated manuscripts were reserved for religious texts, many Christian masses. 
What is craftsmanship? Why is it important?
Craftsmanship is practicing a traded skill or handicraft.  It is important because some of it still exists today.