Friday, April 13, 2012

Assignment 17: Research & Inspiration

Color plays an important role in logo design. It can illicit different feelings and emotions from the audience. Appropriate colors are needed depending on the audience. Since my audience is to  adults, pastels and more soothing colors need to be used, as opposed to vibrant colors for kids. A green is a good color to use because the audience will immediately think of nature and trees.

simple, bold font

-What kind of message am I trying to communicate? trying to capture adult's attention to look at the logo and notice the landscape business
-Who is my audience? adults
-What kind of visuals will work for this audience? Maybe a tooth or toothbrush

Visual Hierarchy:
1. tree's
2. Three Tree Landscape

color: green outline loop, black loop, green trees, white and green bold words.

Inspiration Pieces:
I like the different shades of
green, as well as the use
of arrows and leaves.
I like the simplicity of the

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